Thailand police have reportedly arrested seven Bangladeshi men for entering the country illegally.

They posed themselves as Buddhist monks to evade immigration's radar and were nabbed in the southern province of Songkhla, reports The Pattaya News. Their ultimate destination was Malaysia, it added.

Songkhla immigration police in collaboration with Hat Yai tourist police arrested them on Saturday based on a tip-off.

They were charged for illegally entering the country, according to the report.

A 46-year-old man identified as Rupdah admitted to being the leader of the group.

Investigators determined that all seven men had entered Thailand illegally through a natural route from Myanmar, after having started their journey from Bangladesh, according to The Pattaya News.

They were intending to travel to Narathiwat and subsequently planned to continue on to Malaysia.

During the search of their belongings, it was discovered that the men were in possession of all regular clothing and lacked any monk identification documents.

They were transferred to Hat Yai Police Station, where they will till they are deported to Bangladesh, the report says.


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