The Digital Security Act maintains that investigations must be completed within 60 days. This can be extended by 15 days with permission from the authorities. If that is not possible, an appeal for time can be made in court.

There is one investigating officer in all three cases. The investigating officer was appointed on 11-12 March and 75 days were completed in May. He did not appeal to the court for further time and so he cannot investigate the case. The police do not have the authority to extend the time. The court asked the IO to appear along with the evidence. Evidence has been collected in the case under a law that is from the British times. The rules followed globally for digital evidence collection has not been followed here.

The Digital Security Act says that if any person publishes any matter on a digital format that is defamatory, that will be taken into consideration. If the accused does something that can be seen on the Internet worldwide, there is no need to collect information from his laptop. And if there is need to collect proof from the accused, he must be given a copy of this and they will keep a copy.


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