People all over the world today love the British cuisine while very few people in fact know about the great contribution of the Bangladeshi prodigies that, during the ‘60s and ‘70s of the last century, laid down the very foundation of this booming industry.

To celebrate the unsung accomplishment of these heroes of the British culinary industry in a befitting manner and to support the curry trade, British Curry Day was observed on Thursday with a number of occasions and events in the UK, said a press release.

The gala day was initiated jointly by British-Bangladeshi Caterers Association, the Guild of Bangladeshi Restaurateurs and Spice Business Magazine. In observance of the day in the context of a COVID-19 Pandemic circumstances, restaurants prepared some of their flagship dish or meals and donated those to hospitals, mosques, churches and charities as well as provided free meals to the vulnerable, children entitled to free school meals and NHS workers working at hospitals across the festive period. To render a helping hand in there, the British Curry Day website suggested recipes from top chefs and celebrity cooks.

The theme for this year’s British Curry Day was ‘Back the Bhaji’ a reminder that many popular so called ‘Indian’ dishes were actually created in Britain by the Bangladeshi restaurateurs and chefs.

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